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Kihara Family | Summer Family Session | Greenbrier, TN

Several weeks ago I decided to celebrate summer by giving away a free portrait session. So many wonderful people entered, but the lucky ones drawn out of the hat were the Kiharas.

I had such a great time getting to know them during there session! Little Noah was simple adorable! He kept eyeing the creek the entire time, ready to hop in on the hot, humid afternoon (I was tempted to jump in myself!). When the session was close to being wrapped up, we decided to let him play in the creek for a few moments. For such a little guy, he was ready to swim!


Noah just wanted to swim! What a cutie!


While chatting at their session, it turns out that we went to the same college for a couple of the same years! I wonder how many times we ran across each other on campus, yet never actually met...

Thank you Alyssa, Sean, and Noah for being so awesome. I had a great time and hope you enjoy your portraits!


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