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Zander & Maverick | 2 Year Session & 9 Month Sessions | White House, TN

I love fall, and I don't know what could be a better combination than cute kids, pumpkins, and beautiful fall colors! I had such a great time with Zander and Maverick.

In fact, these two brothers had been feeling pretty hilarious and wondering if maybe I should take up being a comedian...okay, maybe a 9 month and 2 year old shouldn't be the judge of comedy. But, Everything I did they seemed to think was hilarious and would just laugh and laugh. They had me and their mom laughing too!

I hope you enjoy these sweet smiles on this chilly November day!

Getting a little "snack" during my session when I though nobody was looking...

This was his go to move when I asked him to stand with the pumpkin!

Is it obvious he loves his bear?


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