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Best of 2017 | Portraits

I was able to meet and photograph so many old and new friends in 2017.


From sweet families who laughed with and loved each other during their session.....



To college and high school seniors who bring a new level of fun and personality to photography...


(and freezing our tails off!)


To unique photoshoot for a special birthday that took me out of my comfort zone...



To experiencing this heartwarming homecoming that brought tears to my eyes...



To getting to update the headshots of some of the best extension agents around (4-H with these amazing people is where my photography career began!)...



To putting on my first fall mini session day and loving every minute of what felt like a photography marathon...



To even getting a few photos of my little family...



We wish you a happy New Year and thank you for letting me capture a sweet moment in time for you! I can hardly wait to see what 2018 brings me in new friends and challenges.


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