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Our Family's Portraits | White House, TN

I always take longer to get my own family picture up on the blog, but finally they are here! It is hard to believe how fast our two babies are growing! I know it is cliche, but they really do grow up in the blink of an eye.

Joanna is now two and is a sweet combination of tenderhearted, silly, kind, and spunky. She has been the best big sister and is always wanting to hold her brother...who is now almost as big as she is! Elijah (3 months in these photos) is such a sweet, cuddle bug! I have had a couple of people nickname him "gentle giant." He adores watching and playing with his sister and I don't think it will be long before he is up and running around with her.

Thankfully Jesse's brother was up to taking a few family ones for us too. It has been so wonderful getting to be a family of four. We are so blessed!


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